1 - do a full dump: mysqldump catalogo -uroot -p > catalogo.sql 2 - CREATE A BACKUP ;): cp catalogo.sql catalogo-v1.27.sql 3 - edit the file: vi catalogo.sql 4 - insert three lines: in vi editor type i and write above Observations, Launch_year int, Poster text, File_attach text, The new look is: . . . Plataform text NOT NULL, Size text NOT NULL, Version text, Duration text, Owner text, Observations text, Launch_year int, Poster text, File_attach text, KEY CD_ID(CD_ID) ) TYPE=MyISAM; . . . 5 - Add three fields to all records of table cd_desc: In a vi editor you can do this: :line_where_records_of_cd_desc_table_begin,line_where_records_of_cd_desc_table_endss/');/',NULL,NULL,NULL);/ My Example: :35,436s/');/',NULL,NULL,NULL);/ 6 - drop table cd_desc: mysql -uroot -p catalogo drop table cd_desc; exit 7 - Put the new conf in the database: mysql -uroot -p catalogo < catalogo.sql